Our reflectors allow you to reflect light from any light source to your subject from any angle, as if you had multiple lights.  THINK about this… your light and three reflectors equals 4 light sources.  Product lighting control at a fraction of the cost of buying more equipment.  Lighting with reflectors has always defined Professionals from amateur photographers.  Our Magnetically sliding angle adjustments allow you to reflect your lighting right where you want it.  Read our Reviews and FAQ  to see what current LIGHTRIGHT® owners are saying.  The GIF movie above demonstrates a step by step lighting session.  Just one overhead light (soft box) is used with this difficult black, chrome and light gray subject.  Each LR500 reflector kit has five magnetically adjustable reflectors.  Also included are six non-magnetic scissor trim-able reflectors.  Each LIGHTRIGHT® is reversible, silver or white.  Studios are still using our reflectors that were purchased 19+ years ago.  Product and food photographers and museums like the Smithsonian & Getty museums all use our LIGHTRIGHT reflectors.  LIGHTRIGHT is  a “ Great reflection on YOU and YOUR image ”